The Final Twist!

When people hit the payment button and buy the product from this ebook, it's
not my payment button....IT'S YOURS!

People will visit your personal website that looks identical to mine and download
this same ebook; but it won't be mine, it will be yours.

(I even set it up for you, so there is no hassle and you get to own a turn-key
Internet business that makes $100-$400 a day). 

Also, I even set up your customers websites and their customers,
customers...all you do is send people to your website and collect your 
money...that's it!

I could easily bet that you are not reading what is really my web page right now.
Sure, I wrote it and I created the system, but odds are this is somebody else's
site that has already grabbed this amazing system to use as their own just like
you can now.

When a person decides (like they most often do) to buy the product, every
penny they pay will go directly to you. I won't get a cent, there's nothing in it for
me; it all goes to you. You are not an affiliate that only gets a percentage of the
payment – YOU GET ALL OF IT!

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