While there are a number auction store scripts out there, none of them
do it as well as PHPBay. The old front-runner called BANS or Build a
Niche Store type sites are on their way out the back door since
Google has massively banned those types of sites. BANS sites main
problem came from having all their sites using very similar templates
so there was a lot of duplicate content between each BANS sites
which is why I recommend phpBay.
Once you purchase phpBay, you will be emailed a username and
password with a link to: http://www.phpbay.com/store/member.php
Log in and write down/save your “license key” number. You will need
that later. Click on the link called “phpBay Pro Wordpress Plugin” to
download phpBay. Make sure you save this file somewhere you will
remember it like your desktop.
phpBay the way we will be setting it up will be hosted with Wordpress,
the internet’s largest and most popular open source blog platform.
Click on “Download Wordpress” and save the file somewhere you will
remember it like your desktop. You will not have to worry about
downloading Wordpress and installing it if you have any of the hosts I
recommended in Chapter 3.