Golden-Tea - Investment Game Credits have instant pay more than 1 year

Introduction and summary evaluation site

Golden-tea is a Russian gambling was founded by a group of 3 people is Anton, Andrew and Dmytri

Project operational from 06.30.2014 and was paid for by thousands of people so far. The project has run 452 days and will continue. Currently the site has more than 130 000 people participated in the investment amount up to almost 16 million rubles. Paid to members than 7.5 million rubles total.

Initially the project was run with domain name GOLDENTEA.SU. And changed after the project ran for 1 year. site support from Russian, English and Chinese prized in maintaining operational capability and credibility of the site is a lot of positive comments and the support of many members on several major forums and abroad.

Investment Support Project through the WebMoney payment gateways, Payeer, Bitconin, Qiwi, PM ...
Support payments via Payeer, Bitconin, Qiwi (PayInstant)
The special thing is that even though the project has been running for a long time but the site still payinstant means to pay immediately when the request for payment is cash only 1 second after the account immediately.

Operating model of site

1) Buy the tea bushes in the "Store"
2) put them into "Park"
3) After a time (which you want) collect and sell tea.
4) to withdraw money in the electronic wallet, or by purchasing
shrubs in the store.
To buy tea dust you need to update your account .1R = 100 coins
In the store you can buy different sizes bush, tea leaves yield at different speeds

10,000 sheets / hour 1000 sheets / hour 100 sheets / hour
Costs rose bush: 10000 100000
After purchasing the tea bush, you can put it on the "playground" for this dust drag, or click on a bush - then in this field.
Also, after planting a bush, it can be increased by having the necessary amount of money. To do this, select
the bush, and then click on the


Next you need to collect tea leaves by pressing the button on any amount of time, every hour, once a day or even a month, you will be comfortable. The leaves are sold at the rate of (20) = 1 on the same page,

"Playground» PS: In case of resale 50% go

After selling the leaves you can print gold on electronic wallet,
with a rate of 100 coins = 1 to withdraw from the game can be a day without minimum amount to withdraw, maximum: 3,000 rubles.
The game performed introduce proramma 3 levels: Invite your friends to play this game, collecting 15% of their purchases of each recharge your invitation. 5% of the completed invitation Level 2 5% of the completion of the three invited the funds received on the account from which gold can be drawn immediately!

Payment proof:
+ 10.00 p
Date: 27.08.2015 23:41:01
ID: xxxxxxx
Details: P14206220 → P8866087
Amount: 10.00 p
Comment: Выплата xxxxx. С уважением,

Register Guide and How To Play Basics

1. Sign up
Register you click on this link :
(site supports Russian, Chinese and English language if you fluent in any language, click the flag at the top it will pass into your language. If the user does not know yet translated into Vietnamese Chrom spend it)
After arriving at the registration page you complete information on
Full Name: Your full name
Your mail: Your E-mail address
Enter Login: As username
Enter Password and repear password: enter the same password
agree to terms
Click and enter the captcha:

2. How to Play Basic

Here is the interface after logging in to the site. Steam site registration will give you 10000 Conin Bonus is money to buy trees. SHOP to purchase your tree

You buy the tree as shown below

After your purchase you continue to plant in the garden Game for tea. when to get tea garden you click where you want to plant trees. click on any position you want to plant in the garden. after planting each tree will produce leaf hour and you will harvest at any time you want and sell them to raise money and draw on

after selling tea. Money will be divided into two. 50% of Conin reinvested to buy trees. 50% are Gold to withdraw

Thank you for reading this article.

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