What should I sell in my store?

The first thing that you’ll need to do is decide what you want to sell.
You can sell just about anything but make sure it meets these 3
demands. I will show you how to check for these traits in the video.
- It is already selling well on eBay
- The market must not be overcrowded
- Must not be too general

Browse to: http://pulse.ebay.com
Ebay Pulse is a site for Ebay sellers to check what items are selling
well on the site. The main page shows the overall best selling items on
all of Ebay. If you select different categories from where I marked
“Choose your category” in red, you can see what items are selling well
in specific categories.

Coach products have been an extremely hot selling item for years on
Ebay but the market has become oversaturated. The problem is if you
opened a Coach Store site, there would be a ton of competition from
sellers that have a huge head start on your as far as having
established websites out there. Unless you have a large budget for
marketing or have some friends that own related websites and are
willing to give your site free advertising, making money on a general
Coach site would be difficult.
If your heart is set on Coach or if you still want to enter into a crowded
market of any kind, the solution is to be more targeted. A friend of
mine is in love with Coach and wouldn’t give up on it so we turned her
“Coach” site idea into several smaller sites. Coach Shoes, Coach
Men’s Wallets, Coach Purses (Soho Collection). Now instead of
having 1 poorly ranking Coach site, she has 3 sites that rank very well
for her specific products and as a result, turn an excellent profit!
Some other tips for selecting a product niche:
Choose products which people are comfortable buying online –
Furniture, refrigerators, big screen TV’s and things where people
typically go into a local store to try out before they purchase typically
don’t sell as well on eBay.
The best items to sell on eBay are items that people can save a lot of
money from buying on eBay. I know this sounds obvious but think of
things like this: A person looking to buy a brand new Playstation 3 in
most cases is only going to save $10, maybe $20 off retail from
buying off of eBay. Throw in the cost of shipping and they probably
break even. Chances are they’re probably going to pick one up
locally. Now think of the people looking to buy a used Playstation 3.
They can save over $100 if purchased on eBay. Customers looking
for used Playstation 3’s are going to go to eBay first before anywhere

else to purchase what they’re looking for. See the difference? People
looking for used laptops, replica clothing and purses, used iPods,
used jewelry, out-of-season clothing are all going to go to eBay first to
buy what they’re looking for because they can save a lot of money
over local stores and even over most other online shops.
A lot of newbies make the mistake of setting up a store which sells the
newest trendy products and overlook the fact that just because these
items are flying off store shelves doesn’t always mean the same for
sales on eBay. In many cases, acquiring these items at a price to
have a decent profit margin is impossible for sellers. That usually
means the item will not sell as well on eBay unless that product is
scarce. Like how the Nintendo Wii at one point was sold out
everywhere locally and people were overpaying for a system online
because that is the only place they could get one.
Throw in the fact that these trendy markets become oversaturated
very quickly and it makes for a store that doesn’t make much money.
That’s not to say you can’t make money with these types of stores.
My point is that the time and energy you’ll have to use to compete in a
saturated market is better off spent on something smaller and

Source : ebook collect

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