General Infromation
For any one who is new to the GPT world you must know this is great for a
bit of extra money. However, with the right amount of time spent on it you could
possibly make it a steady income. But, it does take alot of work and lots of
referring and keeping your referrals motivated helps. If you can get your
referrals motivated enough to do some referring as well you will both make a
decent amount. I have seen many people posting checks out there showing they
have made $1,000 a month or more from different GPT sites. So what you make is
up to you and the time you put into it. Please also know that GPT sites
are not for everyone. You are not obligated to purchase anything. There are
alot of free offers to fill out. I have never filled out any that requires my
credit card number or any bank information on any site. I have never spend any
money at all on any site.
Most GPT sites pay monthly there are a few that do pay bi-weekly, weekly and
even daily. You are able to see at any time on your account information how
much you are making and how it is increasing. You sign up for FREE. You will
never have to pay any FEES unless you decide to do offers in which they
require you to do so. I only fill out the free ones. There are tons of them.
Some surveys/offers are long but most of them are so short that it takes
you just a minute of your time to complete. You choose what you want
to do there.
First of all remember that you should give your real info. I do and I haven't
had any problems with it so far. I do get a lot of junk e-mail but I have an
e-mail account specially for it. I just erase them. With the offers that say
that you have to confirm that you signed up through your e-mail make sure you
do this step before you erase the confirmation e-mail. E-mail Address
Here's some great tips pertaining to email address:
1. Be sure to set up a couple of different email address for doing offers
because you will get alot of bulk emails from the offers that you do. I use
Yahoo and Google with both of them you can set up as many different email
address as you want. Using different email address will help your offers
2. I was reading through people's blogs about cashcrate last night and I
found one saying that if you use names in your email address that you do offers
with it will help offers go through quicker. I did a couple of offers this
morning and used a new email address with a name in it and all of them went
through. I don't know if it was because of using a new email address or the
name in it but either way they went through so I thought I would let everyone
3. I know alot of people have been using GMail for for doing surveys because
of the "dot" system, meaning it allows you to put "dots" in
your email address. For example "" then changing it
to "" then "" and so
on. I saw a post in the forum of one of the GPT sites saying that this is no
longer allowed. We are still allowed to use different email address for doing
surveys/offers just make sure you are not using the "dot" system.
4. MID is no longer accepting new email address so alot of sites are
suggesting that you set up an email account that you use strictly for MID
offers. Clearing Cookies
After each offer you do it is a good idea to clear your cookies. It will
really help to make your offers/surveys go through. To clear your cookies at
the top of your browser click on "Tools" then click on "Delete
Browsing History" then click on "Clear Cookies". You can also
download which
is free and will also clear your cookies all you have to do once you download
it is run it after ever couple of offers. Roboform
This is really a great time saver! Roboform stores all of your
frequently used information then fills out your registration and checkout forms
with one click of a button. It also creates passcards, storing your usernames
and passwords allowing you to sign in with a click of a button. It's
free, it's easy, and it'll make signing up at GPT sites and filling out offers
a breeze. Here's the link to download Roboform Voicemail Services
To avoid those annoying phone calls from telemarketers from offers that you
participate in it is a good idea to sign up for a free voice mail service. What
a voicemail service does is redirect telemarketers calls to a voicemail so that
you are not bombarded with unwantted phone calls. Here are the links so some
free voicemail services: http://www.aimphoneline.com
I currently am using brring it doesn't stop calls from coming to your home
phone but what it does is gives you a different phone number to use on the
offers. When they call the other number they have to listen to a 10 second ad
before the call is put through to your phone. They say that they pay you $0.05
for each call to your brring number. I just cashed out on this site a couple of
days ago (there's a $10.00 minum payout) so I have not yet recieved a check yet
from them but when I do I will post it. Here's the link for brring: Referals
Getting referals is just another great way to make some more money from GPT
sites almost all sites pay you a percentage of what your referals make and even
give you bonuses pertaining to your referals. Every sites bonuses are set up
differently. Referals are not required with any site it is up to you if you
want to get referals. Here's a few tips for getting referals: 1. add your referal link to your signature
2. start a blog
3. hand out flyers
4. add some information about your GPT sites on your profiles